Tips For Navigating The Holiday Season After Divorce

The holiday season is officially upon us. For many families, this is a time of nostalgia, good cheer, and spending time with family and friends. If you have recently gotten a divorce, though, you may find the holidays are more difficult this year. You are bound to remember the happier times you spent as a family, and may even want to skip the holidays this year. This is generally not recommended, as it can make this time of year seem even lonelier. Below, our Suffolk County divorce lawyer provides some tips to help you get through it.
Make Plans
After a divorce, it is inevitable that you will spend some of the time alone. Being alone opens up an opportunity for you to dwell on the past, overthink, and perhaps even sit with your guilt. Making plans and having things to do can help you keep your mind off the divorce while doing things that make you happy. You do not have to do anything extravagant. Spend a night watching your favorite holiday movies or go for coffee with a friend. Even these small things can help you stay focused on the future, and not the past.
Keep Expectations Realistic
A divorce will impact nearly every aspect of your life. You may not have the same income you did when you were married. You may spend your free time differently. Before making any holiday plans, keep in mind how your life has changed so you can keep your expectations realistic. This will help eliminate surprises, and the stress that comes with them.
Make New Year’s Resolutions
If you have just gotten a divorce, this past year has likely not been your best. Now is the time to leave everything that happened in the past and focus on moving on with your future. Think about something you have been wanting to do for some time and make a New Year’s resolution to do it. Revive an old hobby, join a gym, or meet new people. Regardless of what it is you want to do, now is the time to do it.
Continue Making the Holidays a Good Time for Your Children
If you and your former spouse have children together, you still need to make the holidays a good season for your kids. Cooperate with the custody schedule to avoid disputes, do not badmouth your ex in front of the kids, and make sure the holidays are as happy as they once were. Continue to partake in family traditions you once shared, and make some time to create new ones.
Call a Divorce Attorney in Suffolk County when a Dispute Arises
If your former spouse is not complying with a custody schedule or you have any other dispute, do not let it ruin your holidays. At the Law Office of Joshua Adam Kittenplan, P.C., our Suffolk County divorce lawyer can handle the legal aspects of your case so you can focus on making this year’s holiday season a great one. Call us now at 631-499-0606 or contact us online to schedule a free review of your case.