How Much Does A Divorce Cost In Commack?

It is no surprise that divorce is expensive. Many people put off the idea of divorce simply because they know there are significant costs attached to the process. Fortunately, if you are thinking about ending your marriage, there are ways to keep the costs of the case lower and more affordable. Below, our Commack divorce lawyer explains the average cost of divorce, the factors that impact the cost, and what you can do to keep your divorce expenses as low as possible.
What is the Average Cost of Divorce in Commack?
The average cost of divorce in Commack, and throughout the rest of New York, is approximately $17,100. Like most legal matters though, the matter is a bit more complicated than that. On average, an uncontested divorce, or one in which both sides can agree to all the issues, will cost approximately $5,500. On the other hand, when the parties enter complex litigation and go to a divorce trial, the cost can climb up to $50,000 or more.
The Factors Affecting the Cost of Divorce
There are many factors that affect the cost of divorce and while couples have some control over some of these, that is not always the case. The main factors that affect the cost of divorce are as follows:
- Fault vs. no-fault divorce: New York does have no-fault grounds for divorce, during which neither spouse has to allege the other party is at fault for the breakdown of the marriage. Still, the state is not a true no-fault divorce state. Though rare, when one spouse files for divorce based on fault, the process is usually longer and more complicated, which will increase the cost of divorce.
- The method of divorce: There is more than one way to obtain a divorce in New York. Settlement negotiations, mediation, collaborative law, and litigation are the different options for divorce and each comes with their own costs.
- Whether children are involved: Children always make the divorce process more complex, which will also mean that a divorce can easily become more expensive.
- Attorney fees: It is never recommended that you file for divorce on your own, even when your case does not have many complex issues. The average attorney fees in New York are $350 an hour, although each lawyer will have their own fee structure, so the costs can vary.
Generally speaking, the fewer disputes and issues there are to resolve in your case, the cheaper the divorce will be.
Call Our Divorce Lawyer in Commack for Help with Your Case
If you are thinking about ending your marriage, our Commack divorce lawyer can help with your case. At the Law Office of Joshua Adam Kittenplan, P.C., our seasoned attorney will ensure your rights are always upheld and will negotiate with the other side so you obtain the fair settlement you deserve, while trying to keep the cost of your case as low as possible. Call us now at 631-499-0606 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.