Category Archives: Divorce

What is the Difference Between a No-Fault and Fault-Based Divorce?
In 2010, New York was the last state in the country to enact no-fault divorce laws. The purpose of a no-fault divorce is to avoid blaming either spouse for the divorce and to make proceedings less contentious. A no-fault divorce can also possibly shorten the length and lower the cost of divorce. Still, there… Read More »

What Type of Divorce is Right for You?
Although every divorce case does have to go through the court, this does not necessarily mean the two spouses have to enter litigation. There are many ways to get a divorce today with mediation and negotiation being the two most common. Collaborative law is an option that is becoming more popular today. The last… Read More »

What is an Irretrievable Breakdown of a Marriage?
There could be many reasons why you are thinking of divorce. Perhaps your spouse was unfaithful to you, or maybe you have simply grown apart. Regardless of the reason, you must meet specific requirements before you can legally dissolve your marriage. In 2010, New York became the last state in the country to adopt… Read More »

Six FAQs About Divorce in Suffolk County
Divorce may seem like a straightforward process, but it is not. State law governs all of the divorce proceedings in Suffolk County and many couples are not aware of those laws. As such, they are also unaware of their rights and legal obligations. People getting a divorce also usually have many questions. Below, our… Read More »

Six Ways Divorce Can Be Good for Children
If you are contemplating divorce, you are likely experiencing confusion, sadness, fear, and a host of other emotions. If you and your spouse have children together, you may also be worried about their own mental health, and want to protect it at all costs. Although many people stay together for the children, this is… Read More »

The Top Eight Reasons for Divorce in Suffolk County
No one gets married thinking it is going to end at some point. According to the divorce rate in New York and throughout the country, though, divorce is very common. There are many reasons people choose to end their marriage, but some are more common than others. Our Suffolk County divorce lawyer explains what… Read More »

Annulment Vs. Divorce: What Is The Difference?
Both an annulment and divorce can end a marriage, but there are important differences between the two. Understanding these differences can help you determine which option is the right one for you. Divorces are more commonly granted than annulments, but there are times when the latter is more appropriate. Below, our Long Island divorce… Read More »

Dating During Divorce: What You Need To Know
After ending a marriage, some people take time to grieve the loss of the relationship while others are eager to move on with their life. This may sometimes include dating new people. If you are legally separated or your divorce case is still pending, it is generally advised to not date until your marriage… Read More »

What Causes Delays In Divorce?
Divorce cases are rarely settled quickly. At best, it can take several months to settle a case while other cases can take years before they are finalized. Delays are sometimes necessary and unavoidable while other times, one party may simply be trying to make it harder for the other. Below, our Suffolk County divorce… Read More »

Are There Financial Benefits To Divorce? Surprisingly, Yes!
The majority of New Yorkers view divorce as an experience that is extremely costly and that will negatively impact their financial well-being. Fortunately, that is not always the case and people do not always consider the financial benefits that divorce can bring. Below, our Suffolk County divorce lawyer outlines the benefits that are often… Read More »