Busting Four Common Myths About Divorce Mediation In Long Island

For couples getting a divorce in Long Island, mediation is becoming a very popular option. Even as mediation becomes more popular though, many myths and misconceptions have arisen over the years. If you are considering mediation to resolve your divorce, it is important to fully understand what happens, so you know what to expect. Below, our Long Island mediation lawyer explains four of the most common myths, and the truth behind them, below.
Mediators Make the Final Decisions
Mediation has many benefits over going to court to resolve the issues of your divorce. One of these is that the couple retains control over the proceedings. The job of the mediator is simply to help the two sides reach an agreement. This is done through compromise and communication. The mediator will never make any final decision and the only decisions that are made are made by the couple involved.
Entering Mediation is Entering the Unknown
Many people who enter mediation have never been through it before and so, they do not know what to expect. The fact that the parties involved have complete control over the process can actually make the idea of mediation more intimidating for those who are uncertain about the process. It is understandable that you do not want to make a mistake that could hurt your case, but there are people to ensure that you do not.
While the mediator will not make any final decisions, they are there to help the parties involved through the process. The mediator will also inform you of everything you need to consider. You should also always work with a Long Island mediation lawyer who can advise you of your rights and help ensure you receive a fair settlement.
Mediation is Not Legally Binding
Just because your case is not heard in front of a Judge does not mean it is not legally binding. Once mediation sessions are over, the mediator will draft an agreement. The signed agreement is a contract and it is legally binding and enforceable.
Mediation is Only Right for Simple Divorce Cases
When couples have a high net worth or substantial marital assets, they sometimes believe that their issues are too complex to be handled during mediation. This is not true. Mediation is appropriate for many different types of cases, including those involving complex child custody issues or high net worth individuals. As long as the parties involved are willing to remain cooperative and non-combative, most divorce issues can be resolved through mediation.
Our Mediation Lawyer in Long Island Can Help You Reach an Agreement
Just because you agree to enter mediation does not mean you forfeit your legal rights. At the Law Office of Joshua Adam Kittenplan, P.C., our Long Island mediation lawyer can represent your rights and help you obtain the fairest settlement possible. Call us today at 631-499-0606 or contact us online to schedule a free review of your case.